I'm so happy I found your Substack. I'm a SAHM of 2 and have been wanting for so long to become a freelancer. Prior to having kids, I knew in my heart that they were going to be my top priority. But I still want to be able to make money as well, and that's when I started researching about it.

Eventually when they get to school age, the idea is to go back to work. But my hope is that by then I've set myself up for success by finally jumping head first into the industry.

All that said, what advice would you give someone on how to get started?

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Thank you for your comment Millie. I am so excited for you to step into the arena and begin building something.

In terms of advice: identify your skills and/or interests and consider the ways they they be monetised. Don't overthink it, go for the path of least resistance. It doesn't have to be complicated.

In my case, I knew I was okay at administration and I was interested in writing so I looked into freelance writing. I took a short course to boost my knowledge and then I decided on blogging for businesses. I literally began emailing people with ideas for their website and learned as I went along.

Do you have an idea already? Feel free to DM if you want to brainstorm. Xx

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